I still can't tell if this is a joke.
"This video exposes the eco-socialist Gaia conspiracy to rob hard working Americans of God-given V-8 power and tax them into the poorhouse. Combined with the Global Warming hoax, this will bring our ravenous economy to a halt by 2016.
Don't believe the Marxist geologists with their sky-is-falling doomsayerism. T. Boone Pickens got lucky with some price pickings, nothing more. Technology has act More..ually made oil easier to find every year and high prices are not due to extraction costs. They are the result of Green Hollywood propaganda attached to hidden tax code amendments after the recent Democratic takeover."
Re-release of “22 After”
1 day ago
Of course it’s a joke.Probably off SNL or some late night comedy. And if it is give me pass, I don’t watch that stuff. Why is it a joke? Let’s see no science is presented, no sources given, no author qualifications given, and then to top it off the is the appeal to mythology.
Tough to tell. This is just a guy spouting off his opinions, so he doesn't have to present sources, etc. Facts and science "get in the way" of people's far-out and quite frankly, obscene opinions. I've personally heard some of some of these claims in the flesh before. Whackjobs are everywhere and in places you would least expect them.
I think the exaggerated hick accent and the theme from Ravenous playing in the background might be better clues, Anon. OF COURSE IT'S A JOKE!
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